Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Command to Be STRONG

Recently, my family and I went through a very grueling trial; we went for months at a time without the required overnight nursing care for our severely disabled son, Malachi.  We had to let go of one of his overnight nurses and the nursing agency had trouble finding a replacement.  As a result, my husband and I resumed the overnight care for Malachi; we split the nights in half and did what we needed to do to care for our beloved son.  And while our overnight nursing care coverage still has some gaps in the schedule, things are far better now.  Both my husband and I work.  It was quite a challenge to stay up half the night and then have to go into work the next day, parent our older teenage son, manage our household, nurture our marriage and try to take care of ourselves!  After weeks of not having consecutive night care, sleep deprivation began to take its toll on my body, my mind and my spirit. I felt weak and broken. There were moments, late in the night, when I felt the separation between my mind and my spirit; moments when my thoughts turned dark and my spirit lost all hope.  I am a person of great faith; I believe that God’s love for us is immeasurable and that His grace and mercy will see us through any trial.  In times of despair, I rely on my faith to sustain me. While going through this rough patch, I thought back to the last time our nursing support suffered grossly and even though it felt like we wouldn’t make it through, we did! Somehow, some way, we found the strength to make it through.
 At some point or another, we all have trials that we experience in life and our resilience as a family is tested. How strong are you? Are you strong enough to stand for the battle? Trials challenge us to discover what lies beneath; what reserve can we draw from to sustain our faith? I am convinced that the answer lies within each of us – it is our ability to be STRONG.   Strength is innate; we were born with the attribute of strength – God gave it to us!  Moreover, God commands us to be strong. In the book of Joshua, Joshua is appointed by God to lead the Israelites across the Jordan River. Three times in this passage, God reminds Joshua of His command to be strong and courageous.

Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 

Joshua could have chosen not to accept his assignment; he could have given in to his fears, anxiety and stress and disobeyed God’s command.  We have the power to choose to be strong – or not.  When we choose to be strong, we are choosing to use our innate gift and we are being obedient to God’s command. The battles we fight in life are our assignments from God. The way I see it, we have two choices.  We can be strong and courageous like Joshua and fight the battle.  Or, we can give in to our fears, anxieties and stress and accept defeat.  Either way, the choice lies within you.  Whenever you and your family are struggling with the choice to be strong or not, I want you to remember an old saying: “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t!”  Somewhere in your spirit, you know that you are strong because it’s innate; it’s in you, God gave it to you.  Choose what you know that’s in you and not what’s outside of you.  CHOOSE TO BE STRONG!

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