About Me

I am inspired by the depth of God's love for me and all of humanity; His love fills me with peace when I am drowning in the chaos of life.  I am inspired by the word of God; He is still speaking and I am eager to listen.  I am inspired to live out the purpose of my life according to God and to journal the journey - a document of my testimony, a written proclamation of His glory!  I am inspired to inspire YOU to walk further in your faith.

My peeps (my family) is amazing!  I am married to Maurice Chapman, my husband of 19 years.  Maurice is my guy, my most ardent supporter and my very good friend.  He allows me to be who I am and loves me just the way that I am – and I love him for that!  Many of the photos that you will see on this blog are the beautiful works of my gifted husband.  We have two children – Joshua is 16 and Malachi is 13.  Joshua is a sensitive, giving soul who is passionate about sports and food!  He enjoys music, cooking and making new friends.  Josh is a great kid who is maturing into a wonderful young man.  Malachi is a sweet and calm, free-spirit.  He loves Disney movies, Halloween and books.  Malachi is a living miracle!  At five months old, Malachi was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, type 1 - a debilitating, neuromuscular disorder.  His muscles from the neck down are weak; he cannot walk, talk, eat or breathe on his own.  Malachi is ventilator dependent for life. The doctors predicted he would not live past the age of two.  Malachi is 13 years old and teaching us all the meaning of life!  More on that later...

And me?  Well, I am passionate about writing and ballet.  My writing style is reflection, but I also dabble in writing poetry and short stories too.  After a 30 year hiatus, I have re-joined the ballet world!   What I love most about ballet is challenging myself to be stronger and better and getting lost in the beauty and serenity of the dance.  If ever I were stranded on a deserted island, most definitely I would need to have my journal, pen and ballet slippers with me!  And probably my gospel music and some good Mexican food too – I love authentic Mexican food and all things pink, cuz I'm a pink girl...  And I would take my cool, black sunglasses and most likely a good book too.  There are a lot of things that I love...  But mostly these days, I’ve succumb to loving myself and learning to love my life- challenges and all.  

If you would like to contact me directly my email address is:  msdena01@gmail.com



Bibi' said...

I'm so very PROUD of you for allowing God to place your innermost being on display for HIS GLORY; for, HE takes us through all the enemy of our souls tries to use to destroy us as a testament of His character and n ature. Then, desires for us to allow his manifest glory to shine through an unashamed vessel; allowing the world to know GOD IS...

Bibi' said...

Looking forward to reading all God speaks to you to speak forth for the exortation of His children! GOD IS...
Cousin, Bridgette

Anonymous said...

Awww, great bio! Love your story and I'm definitely following your blog so I can also follow your journey.

Sharybary said...

Love you already! Blessings to your family!