Thursday, December 27, 2012

DON'T Look Back!

As soon as they (the angels) had bought them out, one of them said, “Flee for your lives!  Don’t look back, and don’t stop anywhere in the plain!  Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!”  Genesis 19: 17

Well, 2012 is coming to a close and we are five days away from a new year!   Naturally, I've been reflecting on the highlights and the low lights of this year.   Recently, we had to let go of one our night nurses because she was sleeping on the job.  This particular nurse had been with our family for a couple of years, so I tried to work with her, but the problem persisted.  I had hoped to replace her before her departure, but my spirit kept telling me to release her before she put Malachi in further danger.  I had no choice but to be obedient to my spirit.  Eventually, her shifts were covered, but in the interim, it was difficult for Maurice and I to tag-team and cover the nights and then go to work the next day.  We do what we must to ensure Malachi’s safety.   That was one of the low lights of this year.  The whole idea of looking back reminds me of the bible story of Lot and his wife. 

Two angels came to visit Lot at his home in the city of Sodom.  Wicked men surrounded Lot’s home in the hopes of tempting him with wicked deeds.  The angels blinded the wicked men and told Lot to take his family and flee the city for they were given orders from God to destroy the wicked city.  Lot’s sons-in-law didn’t take the command seriously and Lot himself hesitated to leave the city.  The angels grasped his hands and the hands of his family and led them safely out of the city.  The angels commanded Lot to flee to the mountains and not look back.  Lot argued to flee to a nearby town instead.  The angels agreed not to destroy the town and as Lot and his family fled, Lot’s wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. 
At first glance, I shake my head at the foolishness of Lot.  God vowed to destroy the city of Sodom and Lot was slow to move.  It sorta reminds me of the horror flicks when the would-be victim is being chased by the zombie-monster and instead of running full steam ahead, the would-be victim runs, but looks back.  I just want to shout at the screen, “Run!  Don’t look back!”    But, if I’m honest with myself, I’m guilty of the same behavior; I've run but looked back too.  The issue of losing a night nurse is a prime example to reference.  I knew the night nurse was sleeping when she should have been taking care of Malachi, yet I hesitated to let her go because there was no replacement.  Malachi requires 24 hour monitoring.  If his ventilator were to malfunction and she didn't hear it because she was sleeping, Malachi would suffer greatly, perhaps even die.  I wrestled with my spirit because I knew how the lack of overnight nursing support would affect my family; my spirit was telling me to flee, and like Lot,  I hesitated until I could no longer ignore my spirit.  It has occurred to me that it’s easier to stay in a situation that’s familiar than to move into the unknown, even when we know that our current situation is about to implode.   I think both Lot’s situation and my own suggest a lack of trust in God.  For me, I know that the wrestling of my spirit was me wrestling with what God was telling me to do right NOW!  When I stopped wrestling with God, I felt at peace with my decision; I felt assured that God would send our family reliable, committed night nurses.   I could let go and look forward to the GREAT thing that God was about to do for Malachi instead of looking back with fear and regret.  I chose to be led by my faith and not persuaded by my doubts, worries and insecurities.  I chose to be obedient to God’s command. 

There will be times when fear and worry will cause us to move slowly at God’s command to GO!   We must remember that when we hesitate and look back, we fall prey to the zombie-monster; we stumble and fall and risk an untimely fate.  Worst of all, we miss the awesome opportunity that God has waiting for us.  As I prepare my resolutions over the next few days, I am looking forward with confidence and clarity to a prosperous 2013!

Question of the Day: 
Recall a situation when the Lord told you to GO, but you were hesitant to move.  What were the obstacles?  What did looking back cost you?

1 comment:

Angel said...

Excellent post! Your words..."it’s easier to stay in a situation that’s familiar than to move into the unknown"...are so true. The story of Lot and his wife is a great illustration of this. Perfect lesson as we head into a new year. Thank you!